RERA - Real Estate Regulatory Authority
RERA is an act for regulation and promotion of the real estate sector to ensure the sale of apartment, plot or building in an efficient and transparent manner.
ODPS - Online Development Permission System
The ODPS is a computerised system using Geographic Information System (GIS) to allow developers to get online building approvals.
CA - Carpet Area
Carpet area is the area that can actually be covered by a carpet, or the area of the apartment excluding the thickness of inner walls. Carpet area does not include the space covered by common areas such as lobby, lift, stairs, play area, etc. Carpet area is the actual area you get for use in a housing unit.
SBA - Super Built-up Area
It is the area calculated by adding the built-up area and common area that includes the corridor, lift lobby, lift, etc. In some cases, builders even include amenities such as a pool, garden and clubhouse in the common area. A developer/builder charges one on the basis of the super built-up area which is why it is also known as 'saleable' area.
EWS - Economically Weaker Section
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) in India is a subcategory of people belonging to the General Category having an annual family income less than Rs. 8 lakhs and who do not belong to any reserved category such as SC/ST/OBC (central list).
| MIG =
| HIG =
Lower |
Middle |
Higher |
Income Group |
Income Group |
Income Group |